Sunday, October 28, 2012

Snake Team

 I will be part of the I Ho Chaun team this coming year, the Year of the Snake. I am excited and nervous after yesterdays meeting. I know what the level of commitment needs to be and life is hectic as it is right now. That being said I looked back on the year that I was preparing to grade for black belt, the test itself and then the preparation for the banquet. My school schedule was much more demanding at that time, I was at the kwoon almost as long as it was open every day and Sundays. I don't know how I did it, but I did. I made it through 3 years of UBBT previously. So yes, I can do this. I am looking forward to coming up with requirements, I feel like I have more freedom now to really tailor this for myself and all my wonderful injuries.

In the last 3 years of my life I have had more personal growth than any other time in my life. I can attribute this in large part to being a part of the UBBT teams. I have accomplished so many things I thought I couldn't do and learned a lot about who I am through some spectacular failures as well. I finally got the courage to go back to school and its been one of the best decisions I've made for myself. I worked this summer in a vet clinic and I loved it. It cemented the fact that this is what I want to be doing and it's wonderful to feel passionate about my career.

Now I want to take my kung fu career in the same direction. I admit when I started working after school and since starting school again my training has dropped off. I always said I wouldn't let that happen but here it is, so now I'm going to fix it. So excited to be part of the team!

Our little rescue dog is doing great. He has adapted wonderfully to being a tripod. There have been some rough times when he falls, and he got home and was like Bambi on ice with our laminate flooring. The runways of area rugs around the house were not ideal to say the least, Adrien is in the process of tiling the main floor so he can walk around the house. The dog clearly has us all wrapped around his fuzzy little paw. Till next week everyone.