Monday, September 28, 2009

It was totally worth it

4 years ago I learned how to windsurf. Adrien was really into it and it looked fun so I tried it. It was actually really hard to learn, I didn't really get why he liked it so much. I fell backwards into the water, many many times. I drank a lot of lake water, I skinned my knees and elbows a lot. I would be in the middle of a crazy wind out on the lake swearing and screaming as loud as I could because it just wasn't working. I did stick with it and I remember the first time that I planed, my sail was just right and it felt like my board got picked up from under my feet and I was flying. All of the sudden all my gear was weightless and I was skimming over the water. It was one of the coolest experiences ever. There is still no comparison to the feeling of flying across the water under the power of the wind. I actually got tattooed with the wind on my back and the waves at my feet. I haven't been able to go much this summer, just with being busy and getting the right conditions when you are able to go. This week we got to go out, maybe for the last time this season. I do have a wetsuit, but when it's only 2 or 3 degrees and the wind is howling it can be a little tougher to make yourself get out there. Anyway, it was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and it was warm. I made a huge breakthrough with something I've just not tried to do because I couldn't the other times I'd tried. It was awesome, I tried to yell out to Adrien but over the wind and the waves you can hardly hear anything, so instead I just yelled it out knowing that no one could hear me and it was ok if I sounded ridiculous. Very therapeutic, kinda like sound focus. I think a lot of people would feel better if they could just yell once it awhile. So it was a pretty great end to the summer for me, and I'll dream about the wind at my back and the waves at my feet during the winter ahead.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Kindess all around

Last week we gave the advanced black dragons class a homework assignment to each do at least one act of kindness before the next class and remember it so they could share it with everyone. It actually turned out really well. Homework from kung fu can be pretty easy for kids to forget about. There was only two kids who didn't have one, but I think it was more like can't think of anything on the spot nervousness. Their creativity was great and Sifu Wilson, Sihing Wonsiak and myself all shared our acts of kindness too. I know that a lot of times kids are thinking of something else while someone is talking but I hope that they remember this and it will make them think of it again when the opportunity for kindness arrises. I really like to think of those guys out there last week doing something nice for someone else. It's like little sparks of light that hopefully got passed on. My oldest daughter is almost 9 and I am starting to remember how hard it is to be a kid. It's not like kindergarten anymore when everyone is friends and no one is ever left out or teased. I would love to be a part of the reason that there was a little bit of kindness for a kid at school or on the playground.
On a totally different note, my feet are a mess. All of my toes hurt, especially the joints connecting my toes to my metatarpals. I don't even know how I did it. I know that the last week of august I twisted my big toe during a takedown and it's still all messed up. I don't know what to do with toe injuries, it seems minor but it actually effects more than I thought. I have trouble pivoting on the ball of my foot for kicks, and actually kicking things feels not so hot too. I suspect it's the ju jitsu thats doing it, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong or how to fix it. oh well, it's tape for now, and as much rest as I can.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

ending and beginning

So it really feels like fall now even though the weather has been amazing this past week. I think everyone is out there enjoying the weather even more because we know it will be gone soon. The big tree in my yard is almost completely yellow now, it turns early and acts as my marker for fall. I pulled a lot of stuff out of the garden this weekend and we winterized the rv so camping is officially over too. I love the fall and the respite it brings from watering and upkeep of the green things in the summer. Even as I type this though, there is two crabapple trees and about 20 pounds of tomatoes staring at me saying "do something with us!" I always appreciate the fact that we can a lot of stuff in the fall and summer, but I don't actually enjoy the process very much, fitting it in my schedule can be hectic and usually means I stay up really late canning. Not as awesome as it sounds. Haha.
This week Adrien and I are starting our yearly detox which is basically 21 days of super clean eating. I always feel awesome when we do this but I have this sick love of junk food and things that are bad for me, and coffee of course, oh coffee I will miss you. It will be good though, the summer has made me soft. I am looking forward to the structure.

Monday, September 7, 2009

renos and stuff

This week was renovations and clean up at the kwoon and I was more involved this year than any others. It was a great experience, I got to know people that I hardly ever talk to. My girls had a great time running around the place doing odd jobs and goofing around with their Sifus and instructors, there are some awesome people at Silent River and I'm glad my kids have the opportunity to have them as role models. It was also pretty great to be part of the reason that Silent River is looking amazing right now. The week off of kung fu has not been great for keeping up my motivation. Going to class and being around like minded people is a big motivator.
So on a completley different note I was thinking about how what people expect from you is related to what they are capable of. Like someone who can only do 1 pushup is going to be pretty impressed with someone who can do 50....but if someone has never done a pushup they have no appreciation of how hard it can be to get up to doing 50 pushups. Or if someone you work with does a half baked job of what they do, they won't really mind if you do a half baked job too. I think that I would like to set my standards higher and stop being ok with mediocre effort from people, no matter what it is.