Monday, September 21, 2009

Kindess all around

Last week we gave the advanced black dragons class a homework assignment to each do at least one act of kindness before the next class and remember it so they could share it with everyone. It actually turned out really well. Homework from kung fu can be pretty easy for kids to forget about. There was only two kids who didn't have one, but I think it was more like can't think of anything on the spot nervousness. Their creativity was great and Sifu Wilson, Sihing Wonsiak and myself all shared our acts of kindness too. I know that a lot of times kids are thinking of something else while someone is talking but I hope that they remember this and it will make them think of it again when the opportunity for kindness arrises. I really like to think of those guys out there last week doing something nice for someone else. It's like little sparks of light that hopefully got passed on. My oldest daughter is almost 9 and I am starting to remember how hard it is to be a kid. It's not like kindergarten anymore when everyone is friends and no one is ever left out or teased. I would love to be a part of the reason that there was a little bit of kindness for a kid at school or on the playground.
On a totally different note, my feet are a mess. All of my toes hurt, especially the joints connecting my toes to my metatarpals. I don't even know how I did it. I know that the last week of august I twisted my big toe during a takedown and it's still all messed up. I don't know what to do with toe injuries, it seems minor but it actually effects more than I thought. I have trouble pivoting on the ball of my foot for kicks, and actually kicking things feels not so hot too. I suspect it's the ju jitsu thats doing it, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong or how to fix it. oh well, it's tape for now, and as much rest as I can.

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