Monday, July 5, 2010

the black belt success cycle

Over the past few weeks there has been something bugging me, something besides the overuse of LOL everywhere. The general lack of effort that most people put into everything they do drives me absolutely bonkers. I can tolerate a lot from kids and co workers and friends, but people that don't care to put any time or thought into anything besides there appearance is the limit for me. When I'm around people like that I feel like there is a void I'm being sucked into, I feel like I'm trying to walk through mud.

Sadly it's these people that always complain about their bad luck and how there are so many obstacles in the way of them and their goals. These are the people that are always looking for the secret to success, or the easy way to get something.

Last week in Sihing class we talked about the black belt success cycle- Have a goal, make a plan and get a success coach, TAKE CONSISTENT ACTION, review your progress, and review your goal. Obviously,(or maybe not so obviously) this can be applied to any area of your life. I think it's easy for most of us to have goal and maybe even make a plan, but it's the consistent action part that's so hard.

Just like pushups the more I take consistent action in my life the easier it gets. I've figured out the secret! Too bad most people will be disappointed to know it involves a lot of hard work.

1 comment:

  1. Taking consistent action can be applied to ANYTHING! I think my daughter was surprised to learn that if she took consistent action when cleaning her room that it wouldn't be as much of a chore. Kung fu does apply to everything.
