Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I can't believe it

I never forget to blog, and I did yesterday. I guess I can't say I never forget to blog now. Yesterday was my first day back to school in 12 years. Scary. Luckily I had no time to feel worried about it, I've been hauling butt completing an assignment I thought I had another month to finish for kung fu.

So I've been doing a lot of people watching the past couple of days and there are a few things I've noticed. One is that most people don't make eye contact with each other on a casual level, say just walking past someone, or when your standing in a line up. Another is that despite what people are saying a lot of times their body language is saying the opposite. There are a lot of really self conscious people out there.
I feel like martial arts has played a huge role in my self esteem over the past few years. I was about the shyest person in the world as a kid and a young adult. I spent my life having my dad tell me to speak up and look at people when I was talking to them. As a teenager at my first few jobs, co workers would tell me they thought I was really stuck up before they got to know me because I would never talk or look at anyone.
It helps that I'm 30 now ( isn't age supposed to come with wisdom?), I'm much more comfortable in my skin, and I'm a mom too, thats changed me a lot. But kung fu has really given me an awareness of myself. I see it with others at the kwoon as well. Being a martial artist makes you move differently, carry yourself differently. I wouldn't claim to be a martial 'artist' yet, but it's definitley done some great things for me.

Monday, August 23, 2010

ch ch ch changes

Lots of big changes in my life right now. I lay awake at night and think about them...its keeping me up which is frustrating. I am going back to school on Monday, Adrien starts a night shift this week,so our home life will have a totally different dynamic. I am leaving my job and I will no longer be able to attend my regular kung fu class. Today was my last day in the nine a.m. class. I don't know if I will have a regular class or if I'll have to float around and take it day to day.
It's a strange feeling. I know that good things await me in the future, it's just hard to let go of the comfortable day to day routine.
The Universe seems to have aligned for me to go to school. I have made so many contacts through my job and even random aquaintances that will help me make this come together.
I have no excuses, my success is up to me now.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What I did on my summer vacation

I'm late posting this week, we've been doing a lot of camping over the past week and a half. We spent a few days in Jasper National Park, one of the highlights was hiking on Mount Edith Cavell and seeing the Angel glacier, it's behind me on the video. I wonder if anyone else has done push ups there? I hope I was the first.

Monday, August 9, 2010


So as year two of non stop pushups continues, my shoulders, elbows and wrists hate me more and more. This morning I got out of bed early because my joints from shoulders down were aching too much to sleep. Its officially time to come up with an alternate plan for pushups.

My plan is to hold the plank position and do these sort of reverse rows with a tension band to put less stress on my joints. I will still be doing some regular pushups depending on how much pain I'm in.

The food journaling is going really well. I am more aware of what I'm eating through out the day as opposed to mindlessly snacking, as I tend to do when I'm bored. I even made myself my new favorite sandwich in my quest for more fruit and veggies. See you all next week!

Monday, August 2, 2010

food journal

So Silent Rivers UBBT team will be doing a month long food journaling project. This decision was immediately followed by two days of camping where I ate like crap to say the least. At first I thought this was a great idea,but the idea of everyone knowing my bad habits is scary. I can see the value of this project already. Since I was away and I'm not set up on the food blog yet, I'll just post what I've eaten the past two days here. Beware.
August 1st
breakfast- 3 cups coffee (cringe), 1 whole wheat english muffin and 1 cup of pineapple
snack- handful almonds and a fruit to go
lunch- whole wheat bun with ham, cheese, pickles, tomatoes
dinner- (keep in mind we threw a birthday party for adriens mom and there were people and snacks everywhere)-taco chips with nacho dip, more taco chips with fresh salsa, a couple veggies and dip, 2 grilled chicken kebabs with red pepper mushrooms and onions, salad and a piece of birthday cake with ice cream and caramel sauce, yes I'm a pig and yes it was delicious.
I limited myself to one alcoholic beverage, knowing I'd be posting, so one malibu, orange juice with 7up.
August 2nd
breakfast-granola bar, 2 cups coffee
2nd breakfast (haha) 2 pancakes, 2 sausages with maple syrup
lunch- 2 smokies and 1/2 a tomato
snacks- garden grazing ( cherry tomatoes, peas and saskatoons), a few cherries
dinner-pasta with chicken and lemon, salad with lettuce from the garden

well, that was scary, until next week!